Butterfly Outdoor Adventure
Hiking with Kids and Family at Shutmani Lake
Adventures - Bjeshkët e Sharrit

Shutmani Lake is one of the greatest lakes lying in the Sharr Mountains-Kosova. This aqueous pearl, which is located in the southern part of Kosova-Brod Village, looks like an oasis placed in a mesmerizing green hilly relief and it’s a very comfortable terrain for children to hike at. This area includes enchanting terrains rich in glacial lakes, mountainous and periglacial landscapes.

What is on offer:
Hiking with your children and watching your family thrive.
A lovely picnic near the lake.
Swimming in the mountain lake.
Visiting a shepherd who will tell us more about life in the village, cattle, and producing 100% bio cheese.
You can see Kosova, Albania, and North Macedonia and you will be able to witness all these Balkanika countries at once

What is included in the offer:
Guide: Professional mountain guide, friendly and English-speaking
Transport from Prishtina to Kuqishte village.
Outdoor Yoga with a professional Yoga teacher
Ticket price from: 22.00€
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