Hiking - Oshlak Peak / Sharr - 11.10.2020
Adventures - Prizren

Walking the ridge of Oshlak is one of the most panoramic walks in the Sharr mountains

Sunday 11.10.2020, the group of mountaineers ``Nomad`` organizes hiking to the peak of Oshlak, 2250m above sea level.

- Departure from Prishtina: 07:00 from the parking lot behind the Palace of Sports and Youth,
- Departure from Prizren: 08:00 from Bazhdarhana,
- Total walking time: 5 hours,
- Type of terrain: Easy walking,
- Length of the trail: 12km with 800m of climbing.

What is included in the offer:
- Transport from Prishtina, Prizren to Prevalla and return to Prizren, Prishtina, (Minibus / Bus)
- Walking and returning to Oshlak Peak,
- Professional guide for hiking.

Recommended clothing:
- Mountain boots or Mountain/Trail sneakers (not flat),
- Light clothes (T-shirt, sweatshirt, rain jackets), glasses, hat,
- Sunscream,
- Mask (mandatory during bus transport).

What to take with you:
- 2 liters of water (the area is not rich in water sources),
- Food for a day (1-2 meals),
- Dried fruits, almonds, energy bars, trees, etc.

Due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, Please take the mask with you, the mask is mandatory when traveling by bus.
Ticket price from: €
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