Balkan N` Adventure
Via Ferrata Mat
Adventures - Peja

Via Ferrata Mat is 500 meters long and it takes around 1 and a half hour to complete. It is considered ``easy`` and it does not require a previous experience in such activities. The price: Euro 30 for 1 person; Euro 20 per person for groups of 2; Euro 15 per person for groups of 3 or larger.

Via Ferrata is an activity that may seem dangerous and only for the bravest! However, this is not completely true, and it is worth trying!
Via Ferrata (from the Italian “steel road”) is a climbing method whereby people climb steel ropes and ladders, always being strongly secured in a rock. With the help of equipment and guide it becomes possible for persons not trained in climbing techniques to try and challenge themselves. The difficulty level of climbing changes, and is suitable for persons from the age of 6 up to any age that person considers himself/herself to be fit.
Ticket price from: 30.00€
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Discounts for groups:
Ticket price from: 20.00€
Buy 2 tickets, save 10€ per ticket!
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Ticket price from: 15.00€
Buy 3 tickets, save 15€ per ticket!
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