Adventures - Istog

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Hiking and Yoga at Skarpa Peak
And what is winter without a little winter break somewhere in mountains with snow? Join us for hiking and yoga at Skarpa Peak. Skarpa Peak is located on the border between Kosovo and North Macedonia is with an altitude of 2’476 m.On the way to the peak you will be able to see, “Vertopi” “Maja e Zeze”, Liqeni i Karanikolles”, all peaks of “via Dinarica trail”.
from: 79.00 €
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Quieting the mind or challenge yourself while hiking Rugova Mountains
In western Kosovo, at the national park “Bjeshkët e Nemuna” there are plenty of mountain lakes, one of them called-Liqenati. It is one of the best lakes in Kosovo and is often visited by people going to the Rugova Canyon. Just above the village of Kuqishtë, Liqenati lake extends with an elevation of 1,970 m. Also, it is the natural resource that divides Kosovo from Montenegro. Near the lake, you can also do rock climbing. When we reach the lake we can refresh ourselves in this natural water gem, so take a swimsuit and towels with you. The group can decide to continue on the second lake or relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings or summit the peak of Guri i Kuq with an altitude of 2522 m is the highest peak of the range in the Rugova Mountains.
from: 22.00 €
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Via Ferrata Weekend në Kosovë
Aventurë dhe kujtime të veçanta në Via Ferrata fundjavën tuaj në Kosovë. Shijoni dhe përjetoni aventurën në Pejë, Deçan dhe Prizren!
from: 95.00 €
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Via Ferrata Mat
Via Ferrata Mat is 500 meters long and it takes around 1 and a half hour to complete. It is considered ``easy`` and it does not require a previous experience in such activities. The price: Euro 30 for 1 person; Euro 20 per person for groups of 2; Euro 15 per person for groups of 3 or larger.
from: 30.00 €
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