Kosovo Rocks
Via Ferrata Panorama
Adventures - Prizren

Via Ferrata ``Panorama`` Prizren, is located in the great gorge of Lumbardh river in Prizren

Climbing this Via Ferrata will offer you pleasure, adrenaline and surely the most spectacular views of the great gorge of Lumbardh river and mountains of Sharr.
The trail starts from the Tibetan bridge that crosses over Lumbardh river, the trail has a length of about 500m. It takes approximately 2 hours to complete the trail, including the descent trail walk. It is considered a via ferrata trail with moderate difficulty.

What is included in the offer:
- Transport from the city of Prizren to the location of Via Ferrata Panorama,
- Instructions and preparations for climbing the via ferrata trail,
- Photos from your adventure while climbing the via ferrata trail.

Guide and the equipment for Via Ferrata is offered by Kosova Rocks, all you need to have is sportswear and sneakers or hiking boots.

Via Ferrata Panorama has been built and maintained with passion by the Sharri Mountaineering Club Prizren!
Ticket price from: 20.00€
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(from 2 reviews)
13/06/2021, Gezim Avdiu
Mire shume, por do të doja të ishte edhe më sfidues
08/06/2021, Arber Kabashi
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