Butterfly Outdoor Adventure
Hiking and Yoga at Skarpa Peak
Adventures - Bjeshkët e Sharrit

And what is winter without a little winter break somewhere in mountains with snow? Join us for hiking and yoga at Skarpa Peak. Skarpa Peak is located on the border between Kosovo and North Macedonia is with an altitude of 2’476 m.On the way to the peak you will be able to see, “Vertopi” “Maja e Zeze”, Liqeni i Karanikolles”, all peaks of “via Dinarica trail”.

This two days adventure starts on Saturday, we meet in Prishtina at 08:00 AM in the morning and drive towards Prizren by minibus. We drive for around one hour to Prizren where we can stop for a coffee. After that, we will drive one more hour to Zaplluxhe Village at our guesthouse ‘N’bjeshke’. After leaving our stuff there we will start with the first yoga session, after that, we will relax and enjoy the villages around by walking for like two hours. Before dinner is included in the guest house, we will have another yoga session and then we will eat dinner.
On Sunday morning after eating breakfast at our guesthouse we will start our hike to Skarpa Peak. The view from Skarpa peak is like a 360-degree view and is very beautiful but the sunset is the cherry on the top, which is why we don’t want to miss it. Even though we encourage hikers to enjoy the moment, in this case, we recommend taking out your cameras for spectacular photos. After the summit, our journey will come to an end and we will transfer back to Prishtina.
Ticket price from: 79.00€
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