Balkan N` Adventure
Zip Line
Adventures - Peja

Located in the Rugova Canyon, Zip line is 4 km far from the city center of Pejë. It is 650m long and lasts around 1 minute.

The Zip line is located where the Rugova Canyon begins, only 4 km far from the city center of Pejë. It is 650m long, and the only licensed Zip Line in the Balkans. Depending on the weather and weight of the person, the ride lasts around 1 minute. The Zip Line ride will fly you over the road, the river and through the midst of Rugova Canyon, making the ride even more special. The adrenaline you will get from the Zip Line will always remain memorable as one of your most unforgettable moments.
Ticket price from: 10.00€
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Ticket price from: 8.00€
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