Klubi Alpin Podguri
I do not need therapy, camping is what I need
Adventures - Istog

There are many reasons to enjoy camping when you travel because life is good when you are camping.

If you just want to experience the world of mountains, cafes, fires, tents and golden trees, and run with a camera and notebook, learning the inner workings of everything real, our mountains offer you this.

What is included in the offer:
- Transport from the city of Istog to the mountains
- Tents for sleeping
- Traditional foods
- Photos and videos from your experience

Camping sites at altitudes above 1800 m / lmd up to 2100 m / lmd
- Mokna - (Lake Moknes & Rovica Peak)
- Kodra e Dynës (Cerrovodë - Lkeni i Shatrit)
- Cerrovoda (Dry Peak - Lkeni i ShatriT)
- Shoshani (Maja e Korenikut - Lkeni i Shoshanit)
- Lugu i Butë (Kodra e Dynës)
- Bajshe (Twin Caves - White Pits)

The leader of the expedition is the Alpin Podguri Club, which has a significant experience in the field of camping.
Minimum number of tickets required to book:
4 tickets
Ticket price from: 30.00€
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Discounts for groups:
Ticket price from: 24.99€
Buy 5 tickets, save 5.01€ per ticket!
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