High Scardus Ultra
High Scardus Ultra
Adventures - Bjeshkët e Sharrit

Trail running competition in Sharr mountains

Lista e pjesëmarrësve:
(from 14 reviews)
20/10/2022, Milos Taskovic
20/10/2022, Erida Kurshumlija
I completed the 20k bear trail race. My experience was fantastic. Throughout the process communication was good, I knew what to expect, where to go and when. The trail was well marked the food stations well stocked, the finish line felt like a celebration. The racers packets were great, the quality of swag was excellent. Overall this was a fantastic race experience. However, there were a few things that could be improved as well. I was told that the awards ceremony would take place at 6pm but it actually took place earlier in the day and I missed it. Also with everything being taken down early I know that some finishers of the longer races did not have the same kind of celebration when they finished. I’m the week that followed I heard other members of the outdoor community complain that the trail marking flags had not been removed as promised (though that may have happened later). All in all though this was an excellent race which I hope happens again in the future as I am eager to participate next year and improve my finishing time. I would like to give a big thank you to everyone involved with the planning, preparation, execution and cleanup. It was a huge effort and I greatly appreciate everyone who helped to make it happen! THANK YOU!
21/10/2022, Michael Chaney
20/10/2022, Fisnik Llugaliu
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