Via Ferrata Panorama at Lumbardhi Gorge - Prizren
Adventures - Prizren

Kick off the day with accompained by sunrise as you climb the rocks of Lumbardhi`s Gorge, when you reach the top fill your eyes and your soul with the views of Majestic Sharr, then walk through Prizren Castle, and end your adventure in ``Shatërvan`` by enjoying a tea or coffee by the side of Bridge Stone.

Via Ferrata Panorama is located 4.5 km away from downtown of Prizren, in the Lumbardhi gorge surrounded by amazing landscape.

Technical data:
Climbing route: 510M.
Height difference: 185M.
Climbing time: 1-2h.
Duration of return path: 40 min.
Payment of 25Eur includes:
- Climbing gear
- Guide
- Transport from Prishtina to Prizren & Back.
Minimum number of tickets required to book:
5 tickets
Ticket price from: 25.00€
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