Yoga for All
Shanti Yoga Fest Kosovo
Experiences - Prishtina

Join us to Reconnect again with each other and with what we Love most!!

Shanti Yoga Fest is focused on offering safe, pleasant, growing, and memorable experiences and a platform for all of us that appreciate healthy living and nature and want to meet like-minded people.

We strive for changing the paradigm and improving the way we teach and receive yoga, and bringing it back to its root principles, by bringing together yoga teachers and other health practitioners from around the world to further this discussion and foster positive change for all who practice.

Shanti Yoga Fest – 5th Edition, is designed to expose you to different yoga and meditation styles, including other heath and healing practices, as well as all the beauty of Kosovo’s culture and heritage, among other planned activities.

The Festival will be held at the Institute for Protection of Monuments in Prishtina, Kosovo, on September 4th - 5th, which falls under the first weekend of the month. The Program Activities will start on Saturday morning, from 7:00am, and will continue the whole day until 22:00h when the live music performance/event starts.

This will be a great moment to reconnect and rejoice together, under the open sky, surrounded by trees and preserved heritage buildings, good vibes & energies, and lots of healthy food and drinks.

On Sunday morning (September 5th), we will start again with wonderful activities from 7:00am and onwards, util 19:00h when we conclude the Festival with the Closing Ceremony!

Experience stunning natural and heritage beauty and develop a deeper connection with your practice and your community at Shanti Yoga Fest.

Discover 2 days of health and wellness, featuring inclusive & accessible yoga for all levels, growth, healing and educational engagement, speaker panels, live music, artisanal vendors, healthy food, and more.

Having said that, we couldn’t be more excited to see all your smiling faces this September!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and stay tuned for more information!

With love,
Shanti Team
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