Paragliding Kosova
Kosova Open 2022
Adventures - Prizren

FAI Class 2 Cross Country Paragliding Competition in Sharr Mountains and the great valley of Kosova.

paragliding site offering great conditions for mountain and flat fields flying, simply put a one-site-fits-all Cross Country site of Kosova! Competition for different classes from EN-B to EN-CCC, all the pilots are Welcome!

The Mountains of Sharr surrounding the city of Prizren from its South to North-East, and the great field of Kosova in front of these mountains offer superb conditions for Cross Country Paragliding.

Take-off site “CVILEN North Artan Venhari”, a large a easy take-off is at the altitude of 1360m above sea level, its location provides the best thermal conditions after midday. The city of Prizren located in front of take-off generates great thermals which offer possibility for easy takeoff and good thermals in the skies above Prizren and its surroundings.

It takes about 30 minutes of drive with any vehicle to the take-off area. The start is naturally grassy and clean without any trees or other obstacles.

The area around the take-off is known to be thermally with mild to moderate thermals, there are resident thermals immediately on the left and the right of the take-off, most of the times straight ahead too. Mountain flying by midday from this takeoff ensures pilots they will stay in air around the magnificent Sharr mountains until the flatland thermals kick off. Flying straight from takeoff easily reach the city of Prizren with the possibility to toward the Edges of Sharr mountains in Kosovo-Albania border, or mountain flight towards the north through Dolloc and Budakova peaks towards the other edge of Sharr mountains around Suhareka, whereas afternoon conditions offer great possibility for filed flying through the Kosova and Dukagjini fields towards the city of Gjakova or Peja.

Beside the official landing/s other landing options are countless on the great Kosova fields.

The City of Prizren is located on the South of Kosovo (on Kosovo - Albania border), it offers the most popular tourist attractions in the country and is very well known for its cultural heritage, tourist hospitality and offers great mountaineering resources for visitors.

Selection and entry fee
75 EUR until 30.05.2022
90 EUR if paid after 30.05.2022 or during registration to the competition at HQ

The entry fee includes:
● Transport to take-off and retrieve for all competition and training days
● Lunch packet
● T-shirt
● Color MAP
● Access to all championship events and parties
● Hotel accommodation in double room (two pilots in room) with breakfast included for the whole competition days (2 nights).

Documents required at registration
Issued by your local NAC on behalf of the FAI. You cannot normally compete in an FAI event without one. Contact your National Association (NAC)

FAI Sporting Licence
You will need to sign an applicaton form at the venue. Usually the organiser will provide it on arrival.
Signed Application form
Signed Waiver/Release form
Identification documents needed

Prize fund and scoring categories
Fun Class (EN A-B)

First place: 200 EUR
Second: 100 EUR
Third: 50 EUR
Ticket price from: 75.00€
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